
Showing posts from August, 2022

A 14 years old girl came to the opd withfever since 5 days.

  Chief complaints: fever since 5 days History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days back then she developed fever. Fever was associated with body pains and subsided after medication. The temperature used to rise in the nights. Patient developed cough since 2 days.  Past history: No similar complaints in the past  Personal history:  Diet: mixed Appetite: normal  Sleep: adequate  Bowel and bladder: regular  Addictions: none Family history: not significant  General physical examination:  Patient is conscious, coherent and Cooperative, well oriented to time place and person. Moderately built and nourished. Vitals :  BP: Pulse rate:  Respiratory rate: 16 Temperature: afebrile  Pallor: present ( very pale)   Icterus: absent  Cyanosis: absent  Clubbing: absent  Lymphadenopathy: absent Edema : absent  Systemic examination:  CVS : S1 S2 ++ no murmurs heard  RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Normal vesicular brea

A 36 year old male presented to opd with seizures.

  History of present illness: On 24th a 36 years old male patient cable operator by occupation presented to general medicine opd with seizures at 3am. The patient was apparently asymptomatic until 2am then he developed seizures which occurred in 4 episodes with an interval of 5-10 minutes, each episode lasting for 2 minutes, without postictal confusion. The seizures were generalized and with vigorous contractions and relaxations. Just before the occurrence of 1st episode patient experienced tightening of muscles in the limbs and lifting of the lower limbs. 3 years back he was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and is on medication. When RBS was done immediately after he came to hospital it was 559 and the BP was 160/100 mm Hg.  Past history: No similar complains in the past. In 2019 there was mild head trauma and swelling which subsided after 3 days. Not a known case of Hypertension, Asthma, thyroid, epilepsy. Personal history: Patient is a cable operator by occupation. He wakes up by 9 am