
Showing posts from August, 2023

A 63year old female with c/o neck pain and b/l knee pain since 1 year. C/O decreases urine output since 1 year

History of presenting illness:  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1year back then developed neckpain,insidious ,gradually progressive, aggravated on bending forward and relieved with medication. C/O b/l knee pain since 1 year insidious in onset and gradually progressive relieved with medication.  C/o decreased urine output since 1 year, no burning micturition , no frequency/urgency /hesitancy. No pedal edema, no SOB, no palpitations, orthopnea,PND  C/o belching,burning sensation in epigatrium . Past history: K/c/o hypothyroidism since 2years and is on medication.  Not known case of DM ,HTN ,epilepsy, asthma, TB  Personal history:  Diet: mixed Appetite: normal Sleep: adequate  Bowel and bladder : regular Addictions: none  Daily rotinue: she wakes up by 6am in the morning freshens up and goes for a walk.  She has breakfast by 8am and watches TV.  Talks to neighbour's and rests. She has her lunch by 1pm and sleeps for a while . Has dinner around 8pm and sleeps by 9pm.  General exami

60M with involuntary movements of B/L UL and LL since 4hours and deviation of angle of mouth

Chief complaints:  C/o involuntary movements of B/L UL and LL since 4 hours. History of presenting illness:   Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4hours ago then he developed involuntary movements in the B/L UL and LL since 4 hours sudden onset,involuntary,generalized tonic,clonic movements lasting for 2 to 5 minutes. Such episodes for 6 to 8 times initially in the left UL and LL then in the B/L UL and LL followed by loss of consciousness for 5 minutes then patient regained consciousness.  H/O unrolling of eyes,clenching of teeth. N/H/O involuntary micturition and defecation,tongue bite, frothing. No H/O fever,cough,vomiting,loose stools,pain Abdomen, giddiness.  N/H/O weakness of B/L UL and LL . H/O deviation of angle of mouth. Past history:  K/C/O CVA since 1year-left hemiplegia- not on any medication. K/C/O Hypertension since 1 year - not on any medication.  Not known case of DM,asthma,TB,thyroid abnormalities,CAD,Epilepsy. Family history:  No significant family history. Personal hi

A 27 year old female came with complaints of fever since 10-15 days and right sided lower abdominal pain radiating to lower back since 10-15days

THIS IS AN ONLINE E LOG BOOK TO DISCUSS OUR PATIENT'S DE-IDENTIFIED HEALTH DATA SHARED AFTER TAKING HIS / HER /GUARDIAN'S SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT. HERE WE DISCUSS OUR INDIVIDUAL PATIENT'S PROBLEMS THROUGH A SERIES OF INPUTS FROM THE AVAILABLE GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS WITH AN AIM TO SOLVE THOSE CLINICAL PROBLEMS WITH COLLECTIVE CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE-BASED INPUT . A 27 year old female teacher by occupation, resident of suryapet came with Chief complaints of fever since 10-15 days. Right sided abdominal pain radiating to lower back since 10-15 days. History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10-15 days ago then she developed fever high grade with chills and rigors(initial 3 days) not associated with cough, shortness of breath ,cold ,sore throat . Then she developed abdominal pain after 4 days of onset of fever, pricking type of pain. C/o Vomitings 1 episode for 1 day, contained food particles, non projectile, bilious.  Decreased urine output with