
Showing posts from September, 2022

A 43 year old female presented with weakness of upper limb and lower limb.

Chief complaints : weakness of upper limb and lower limb. History of present illness : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back the  developed joint pains and stiffness in the upper limb in the fingers. Then she developed flexion deformity in the metacarpals.  Past history : No similar complaints in the past. Not known case of diabetes, hypertension, Asthma, TB, thyroid. Personal history :   Diet:mixed Appetite: Normal Sleep : adequate  Bowel and bladder : regular  Addictions: none  Family history : No similar complaints in the family General physical examination : Patient is conscious, coherent and Cooperative, thin built and nourished. Pallor : absent  Icterus: absent  Cyanosis: absent  Clubbing : absent  Lymphadenopathy : absent Edema: absent Systemic examination:  CVS : S1 S2 heard RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.  CNS: No focal neurological deficits  Abdomen: Soft , non tender. Investigat

A 26 year old male presented to the with abdominal pain and episodes of Vomiting

Chief complaints : Abdominal pain since 4 days , vomiting since 4 days. History of presenting illness : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 12 years back then he developed epigastric pain. Last episode was 10 days back and subsided after medication . Present episode since 4 days, the epigastric pain is of burning type, continous radiating to midscapular region and relieved on medication. 5  Episodes of vomiting 4 days back which was associated nausea, bilious, non projectile in nature with food content with bad odor.  Past history : Patient is a chronic alcoholic and has similar complaints in the past. No history of diabetes, hypertension, Asthma, TB, thyroid, epilepsy. Personal history:   Diet: mixed Appetite : normal Sleep : adequate  Bowel and bladder: regular  Addictions : Chronic alcoholic and stopped since 1 month. Family history : No similar complaints  General physical examination :  Patient is conscious coherent and Cooperative.  Pallor: absent  Icterus : absent  Cyanosis : ab